Our Story 
AB Lexmall & Associates is a business law firm located in the heart of Accra committed to providing you the best legal service for very competitive fees. We understand how important your business is to you, and our well-trained staff will strive to exceed your expectations. Our diversified practice encompasses Transaction Work, Regulatory Advice and Litigation Matters. In our transactions practice, we provide you with advice on in-country and cross-border transactions, conduct due diligence, business and employment contracts, project finance and mergers and acquisitions. Our regulatory practice takes care of all your government regulatory compliance issues, licenses and public policy issues. In our litigation practice, we provide effective representation of clients in all courts and adjudicating forums across Ghana. AB Lexmall is not your typical law firm: After excelling in our professions, we have combined our industry experience with our legal talents to form a unique business law practice in Ghana.
The truth is there is no alternative to experience. The lawyers at AB Lexmall have considerable experience in litigation spanning employment, commercial litigation, trademarks and trade secrets. We have represented and advised clients from individuals to ‘start-ups’ to well established institutions. We have the credentials to match our experience. AB Lexmall lawyers have excelled in our nation's premier law school and have additionally gone on to acquire training and credentials in some of the top-notch tertiary institutions around the world.

Our Vision 
Our vision is to be able to satisfy your needs. To do that, we aspire to be a leading African Business Law Firm providing quality and pragmatic services to our clients, locally and internationally. To achieve this vision, we are constantly investing in new knowledge and information, and creating a working culture that enables our people to offer consistently high standards of client services.
With this vision; We offer excellent customer service that is real and relational and put our clients first in everything we do. Our business is based on establishing long term relationship with our clients while providing them value added services with speed and accuracy. We promise to adhere to the highest ethical standards which includes unnecessary client surprises and respecting the privacy of our client’s information and documents. We will strive to be on top of our game by constantly upgrading our knowledge base and getting to know what sectors our clients operate in and what opportunities and challenges they face. Our promise is to hire only the best qualified and dedicated personnel in the field to assist our clients.
Our Approach 
At AB Lexmall, we understand that each client's needs are unique, and our commitment is to provide quality services tailored to fit each client's unique legal issues. Our quality service begins with our people, who, in addition to legal expertise, are also skilled and accomplished in other professions. We understand that our clients want solutions to their issues to move ahead with their businesses and busy schedules. Our advice is therefore designed to offer speed and accurate pragmatic solutions to issues taking into consideration situational and business environments.
Our founding partners came from academia. Knowing the importance of research, we have developed a culture of excellence based on meticulous research for every matter we handle. Behind it all is a strong commitment to teamwork. At AB Lexmall & Associates, irrespective of where our work came from or who brought it, our strategy sessions are always a team affair. We discuss what our strengths are and then try to anticipate what our opponents may use against us. Then we strategize as to how to effectively put our best foot forward while mitigating anything that might be a drawback. Our experience has taught us that creating a work environment that encourages innovation, hard work, and rewarding achievements instead of process and longevity helps us to attract and keep the brightest talents. Our collegial environment creates the right atmosphere for our people to excel in what they do.